You feel so many things in the midst of shooting a wedding
Hungry, thirsty, warm, cold, happy, sad, emotional, and all
And once in a while you’ll ask yourself if you’ve done enough
If you were able to to what you are supposed to do
But you must go on, just like everything in this world
At the end of the day you go home, days pass by and you look at the pictures
And then you feel all of the emotions of the wedding day all over again
This time a little more composed and a bit more content
That it was you.
And you were there to take the pictures
Of the beautiful things that happen to peoples lives

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May 6, 2015
I love how you put it all into words tween. Beach wedding love!
Moñen Maglasang McKee
May 7, 2015
Wow!!! So beautiful. Love it. Congratulations Both!
May 8, 2015
Waaah I just found out nga mka access ra diay ko ani lol! Hay the pics made me emote galore as usual haha!!! love the music pod. Youreally know how to pick them Jeff!

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